7. ontp-mbus config#

7.1. Metrics Bus Configuration#

7.1.1. Configuration File Example#

Sample configuration file.

 2 "listen_address": "",
 3 "cert_file": "/var/ontp-mbus/tls/client.crt",
 4 "key_file": "/var/ontp-mbus/tls/client.key",
 5 "allowed_cert_thumbprints": ["xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
 6                              "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"],
 7 "host_by_thumbprint": false,
 8 "host_by_cert": true,
 9 "lic_host": "lc08.ontp.dev:2568",
10 "db_host": "ip address",
11 "db_port": 5432,
12 "db_user": "db_user_id",
13 "db_pass": "dd_pass_word",
14 "db_name": "ontp_netmetrics",
15 "db_conn_timeout": 10,
16 "app_name": "netmetx",
17 "active": false,
18 "runtime_worker_threads": 8,
19 "runtime_worker_blocking_threads": 1024,
20 "max_metric_length": 2700,
21 "db_write_mode": "single_table",
22 "db_write_threads_per_client": 2,
23 "db_bulk_write": true,
24 "db_raw_write": "bulk",
25 "db_bulk_write_threshold": 50,
26 "l2_types": ["frame","eth","arp","igmp","revarp"],
27 "l3_types": ["ip","ipv6","icmp","icmpv6"],
28 "l4_types": ["tcp","udp"],
29 "l5_types": ["rpc","rtcp","scp","pap","socks","zip","dsp","l2f","h.245","appletalk","iso-sp"],
30 "max_nodes": 0,
31 "pgp_data": "",
32 "destination_sinks": ["db","kafka"],
33 "sink_db_active": 0,
34 "sink_kafka_active": 0,
35 "kafka_config": {  .. }
36 "proc_uuid": "63f4e162-4fe3-11ed-a605-6451065c4b7c",
37 "debug": false
  • Config File Sections:
    • listen_address
      • The address to listen to or “any” can be ipv4 or ipv6

    • cert_file
      • SSL certificate

      • note this should not be changed as the cert that is used in the docker command is mapped to this location

    • key_file
      • SSL certificate key file.

      • note this should not be changed as the cert that is used in the docker command is mapped to this location

    • allowed_cert_thumbprints:
      • List of ssl thumbprints to allow to connect ot the host

    • host_by_thumbprint
      • validate connection requests by ssl certificate thumbprint.

    • host_by_cert
      • validate that the connection request sent a valid certificate.

    • db_host
      • Database host

    • db_port
      • Database port

    • db_user
      • Database user

    • db_pass
      • Database password

    • db_name
      • Database name

    • db_conn_timeout
      • Database connection timeout

    • app_name
      • default application name reported to the the database

    • active
      • Is the configuration active

    • runtime_worker_threads
      • Number of worker threads

    • runtime_worker_blocking_threads
      • Number of worker blocking threads

    • max_metric_length
      • max individual metric length to place in the database

    • db_write_mode
      • Database write mode - multi table either ‘single_table’ or ‘multi_table’ write mode

    • db_write_threads_per_client
      • Number of write threads per client.

    • db_bulk_write
      • Write in bulk units to the database: default = true

    • db_raw_write
      • Write bulk db write type default = bulk

    • db_bulk_write_threshold
      • Number of metrics to queue before sending default = 50

    • l2_types
      • default table for L2 metric types

    • l3_types
      • default table for L3 metric types

    • l4_types
      • default table for L4 metric types

    • l5_types
      • default table for L5 metric types

    • max_nodes
      • The max nodes that this instance is supposed to allow connect to it. Defaults to the license limit.

    • pgp_data:
      • Internal use leave empty

    • destination_sinks
      • Where to push the recievd metrics to

      • Choices are db and kafka

    • sink_db_active
      • Internal use, default 0

    • sink_kafka_active
      • Internal use, default 0

    • kafka_config
      • Specify the kafka configuration if you are sending network metrics to kafka

      • 1 Basic config

1 {"topic_name": "NY1-Zone1", "ontp-koutput": "json", "bootstrap.servers": "",
                "message.timeout.ms": "900", "session.timeout.ms": "6000"}
  • 2 SSL config

2 {"topic_name": "NY1-Zone1", "ontp-koutput": "json", "bootstrap.servers": "",
   "message.timeout.ms": "800", "session.timeout.ms": "6000", "security.protocol": "SSL",
   "ssl.ca.location": "./kubernetes/tls/ca.pem", "ssl.key.location": "./kubernetes/tls/client-key.pem",
   "ssl.certificate.location": "./kubernetes/tls/client.pem", "enable.ssl.certificate.verification": "true"
  • proc_uuid
    • A unique id to diffrentiate ontp-mbus instances sending data to kafka

  • debug
    • Display debug messages default = false